The Winnipeg Improv Festival Returns!

Oct 17th to Oct 19th, 2024


Stay Tuned to this space! We will be releasing the details about the upcoming festival! Great shows and great guests! We are very excited!

Get your advanced tickets NOW!

The Improv Festival Shows!

Thursday, October 17th, 2024 8 PM – Home Opener

“An improv show made from what’s real.”

The Local Show packs the first half with local performers and improvisers. A jam show celebrating the locals with some hand-picked greats! The second half is the show “One Great Winnipeg” … The Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival hit returns! 

We all love/hate Winnipeg… and yet some unseen magic in between Garbage Hill and The Salisbury House keeps us here. The show begins with a special guest sharing their most vivid, surprising experiences, which then become the spark for the improvised scenes. The performers are inspired by the true stories, brainstorming tangents and unforgettable scenes filled with humour and depth.

Friday, Oct 18th, 2024 8 PM – Are You Afraid of the Dark?

“Spooky, scary and hilarious”

In the first half, Club Soda Improv will present their brand new improv show inspired by “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” the cult favourite television series that aired on YTV/Nickelodeon. The second half will feature the Festival Ensemble premiering a brand new improv format under the direction of Parallelogramophonograph called “Quick Study”!

Saturday, October 19th, 2024 8 PM – The Violet Underbelly

“An Improvised Noir by Paralellogramophonograph with an opening set from the Festival Ensemble”

The first half will have the Festival Ensemble presenting a brand-new show. That’s the whole point of an improv show, to experiment with brand-new improv shows! PGraph presents The Violet Underbelly: an improvised play in the style of classic film noir. The Violet Underbelly draws inspiration from classic noir films and hard-boiled fiction, painting a world dirty and rotten enough to make the likes of Sterling Hayden and Dick Powell feel right at home. A world where the rich are above the law and the poor operate below it. Everyone cheats, everyone lies, and everyone gets their hands dirty in The Violet Underbelly.

Saturday, October 19th, 2024 10:30 PM – Directors Cut!

“The best stories continue… the rest get CUT!”

The Fringe hit “Directors Cut” puts a twist on an improv show, giving five directors the reins to steer the performers and the show itself. Each director has their style and vision, leading the improvisers into scenes that can shift from hilarious to intense in an instant. The result? A chaotic, fun ride where anything can happen. Plus, the audience is ultimately in control of what stories continue and which ones get cut!

Did we mention that the show is an elimination show?

Winnipeg improv festival 2024

Our Team

The festival would like to thank some amazing people who make this festival happen. Nick Kowalchuk is the Executive Director for the Gas Station Arts Centre. Todd Drader is the Technical Director of the Gas Station Arts Centre.

Stephen Sim and Caity Curtis work tirelessly as the Artistic Director team. Kevin Ramberran is the Festival Coordinator. Luke Cecelon is the Volunteer Coordinator. Kristen Einarson is our Publicist. Jesse Bergen is the Graphic Designer. Scott Angus is our Sponsorship Coordinator.

We have many people to thank. We have many volunteers behind the scenes, from those selling you the tickets, to people making all the technical aspects works smoothly! We would also like to thank all of our sponsors and audience members who support improv, live theatre and the festival!